Hot & Fast Briskett

6 years ago

If you have cooked a brisket, you know that it is a looonnnggg process! Depending on it’s weight after you clean it, a brisket can take you between 12 and 14 hours to reach the desired internal temperature (200 F).  [..] read more

Country Bread

6 years ago

If you pay attention to the nutritional chart of your sliced bread, you’ll see that is packed with sugar, carbohydrates, and very little fibber.  On top of that it has a bunch of preservatives to make it last longer [..] read more

Loot&Booty vs The Slab

8 years ago

Con el pasar del tiempo y el cocinar de manera mas seguida, se hace mas fácil el resistir la tentación de adquirir cada nuevo sazón que sale al mercado.  En otras palabras, uno conoce mejor el sabor que quiere que tengan [..] read more

Birthday Brisket

8 years ago

Brisket is a large cut of beef made popular in central Texas by German and Czech butchers.  Since it is such a large muscle with lots of connecting tissue and fat, it tends to be a tough cut of meat that requires a long [..] read more


8 years ago

Injection 1/4 cup of Sweet Smoke Q Juice 1/2 cup of Apple Juice 1/4 cup of Apricot Nectar Seasoning Lane’s BBQ Brisket seasoning as your base Obie-Cue’s Stakemaker (alternative) Kosmos Texas Beef [..] read more